LA Un-Lifestyle

Finlay and Livana were driving through the crowded streets of Los Angeles. Finlay was at the wheel.

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Freeing Schrödinger’s Cat

The gang was meeting at headquarters for the latest announcements.

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Ancient Aliens Has a Cult Following

Rigel awoke with a start at 1:47 am. Had he heard a noise outside or was he still dreaming?

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The Smart Toaster

Stella was in the living room drinking a glass of wine when Tariq pulled into the driveway. He unlocked the door and entered to find her sitting in the dark alone. The television was not on.

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RIP Frankenstein

“Victor, are you with us?” asked Dr. Walton from a seated position at his desk.

“What?” said Victor. He sat in a chair in front of the desk. His feet and wrists were shackled. Two armed guards stood outside the door in case of an emergency.

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