Avatars Anonymous

“You know it is not too late to change your mind, Aten,” said his friend Badar.

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RIP Frankenstein

“Victor, are you with us?” asked Dr. Walton from a seated position at his desk.

“What?” said Victor. He sat in a chair in front of the desk. His feet and wrists were shackled. Two armed guards stood outside the door in case of an emergency.

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Ripley and Meri

Ripley leaned back in his chair to take a break from staring at the glare of the computer screen. He had been watching video footage from a trail cam for hours and his back was getting sore.

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The maiden voyage of Titania was an event to be remembered. All of the top news programs and newspapers had been talking about it for over a year. It was the largest, most luxurious spacecraft built in history. The vessel was to orbit Earth for a week’s time providing a spectacular view for anyone lucky enough to be on board.

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Raptors 2.0: When Microraptors Attack

The creature always slept high in the trees concealed in the darkness of heavy foliage, with his pointy head under his wing. One foot was wrapped around the branches, and the other was tucked up into his glossy, black plumage.

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